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Lisa Mae Evans - Art Prize Winner - Article in "The Cornishman" newspaper 30 June 2016 02-Jul
Cornwall's Jack Nowell and Luke Cowan-Dickie celebrate England's Grand Slam win with Cornish flags 25-Mar
Theo Black music - soundcloud 15-Nov
Film director to open Newlyn Arts Festival 2015 02-Oct
Newlyn festival is not to be missed 02-Oct
Bernard Evans Exhibition 25 Sept 2015 Flyer 02-Oct
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Sir Terry Frost - Exchange Gallery 06-Aug
St Piran's Day parade in Penzance 06-Aug
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Theo Black video 31-Jan
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Exchange Gallery - Lisa Mae Evans - Exhibition 29-Aug
GCSE Results 29-Aug
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Creation of LisaMae.com 19-Oct

These literature piece's are done at school for English Literature or specially

 created for lisamae.com. I hope you enjoy them.

Sit Upon This Ancient Tree 2013-Dec-30

These literature piece's are done at school for English Literature or specially created for lisamae.com. I hope you enjoy them.

I Sit Upon This Ancient Tree   2009-Oct-25

I sit upon this ancient tree,

Watching students who don't see me,

I look at those with a raditent smile,

Knowing once they'll walk the isle,

Into collage, the extra mile.


I sit upon this ancient tree,

Looking up at flimsy branches,

Just like me.

But once this flimsy, little branch,

Grows up into a tall, sturdy tree.


I sit upon this ancient tree,

Glancing back at memories,

With my besties,

Kate and Kammy,

Never ending friends to be.


I sit upon my ancient tree,

I think its right to say, and mean,

I'll miss you all, good-bye from me,

Going back overseas,

I'm going to miss this ancient tree.

Lisa Mae
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